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Civics teachers play a critical role in maintaining classroom environments that encourage discussions of controversial public issues. Thus, preparing new teachers to consider the role of such discussions is crucial. Building on theories of teacher knowledge development, this study explores how Israeli civics teacher-educators conceptualize discussions as part of their courses. The findings present four approaches that include: discussion as a pedagogical practice; discussion as a means for reflection; discussion as a way to bring the curriculum to life; and discussion as a vehicle that represents disciplinary content. Based on these findings, the role of discussion as an educational goal, not just a secondary means, will be argued.  相似文献   
Imbalanced sample distribution is usually the main reason for the performance degradation of machine learning algorithms. Based on this, this study proposes a hybrid framework (RGAN-EL) combining generative adversarial networks and ensemble learning method to improve the classification performance of imbalanced data. Firstly, we propose a training sample selection strategy based on roulette wheel selection method to make GAN pay more attention to the class overlapping area when fitting the sample distribution. Secondly, we design two kinds of generator training loss, and propose a noise sample filtering method to improve the quality of generated samples. Then, minority class samples are oversampled using the improved RGAN to obtain a balanced training sample set. Finally, combined with the ensemble learning strategy, the final training and prediction are carried out. We conducted experiments on 41 real imbalanced data sets using two evaluation indexes: F1-score and AUC. Specifically, we compare RGAN-EL with six typical ensemble learning; RGAN is compared with three typical GAN models. The experimental results show that RGAN-EL is significantly better than the other six ensemble learning methods, and RGAN is greatly improved compared with three classical GAN models.  相似文献   
This paper aims to demonstrate how the huge amount of Social Big Data available from tourists can nurture the value creation process for a Smart Tourism Destination. Applying a multiple-case study analysis, the paper explores a set of regional tourist experiences related to a Southern European region and destination, to derive patterns and opportunities of value creation generated by Big Data in tourism. Findings present and discuss evidence in terms of improving decision-making, creating marketing strategies with more personalized offerings, transparency and trust in dialogue with customers and stakeholders, and emergence of new business models. Finally, implications are presented for researchers and practitioners interested in the managerial exploitation of Big Data in the context of information-intensive industries and mainly in Tourism.  相似文献   
为深入理解图书情报学学术论文中所使用的研究方法的语义功能,为用户提供基于知识单元的细粒度知识服务,文章首先基于体裁理论来分析引文分析法、田野研究法、共词分析法、实验法、比较分析法和问卷调查法的知识单元构成。其次采用文本分析法,检索CSSCI图书情报学领域的18种期刊中使用以上6种研究方法的论文,进行知识单元层次的深度标引,作为知识库构建的语料。再次采用系统设计法,开发具有4种功能的学术论文研究方法学习系统。最后采用实验法,招募30位研究生使用系统,并根据用户体验对其可用性进行评价。结果表明:研究方法的体裁分析能较好地表示使用该方法开展研究的论文的语义功能,解释研究方法使用过程各部分的语义特征,为深入到知识单元层面的标引提供了基础,也为用户提供了基于知识单元的细粒度的检索点,知识库具有很好的可用性。文章揭示了论文研究方法使用过程各部分的语义特征,基于知识单元构成而设计的学术论文研究方法知识库能有效帮助用户学习研究方法,为学术论文研究方法内容的深度语义标引和本体开发奠定了基础,也为用户提供细粒度、多维度的论文研究方法内容的检索服务,对面向知识发现的知识组织研究具有参考意义。  相似文献   
北京冬奥会雪上项目将在张家口市崇礼区进行,冬奥会筹备工作的重点也就集中在了这个过去名不见经传的小镇上了。虽然距冬奥会开幕还有近2年的时间,但崇礼区作为滑雪运动圣地已蜚声海内外,国外专业滑雪运动队将它作为训练基地外,国内业余滑雪运动者也从全国各地涌向这里。如今,张家口市整个经济被冬奥会激活了,其产业结构也已因崇礼区滑雪运动休闲基地实现了从农业经济向资源旅游经济的转型。虽然冬奥会筹备是国家级的大事,但张家口崇礼区的建设筹备仍然对全国休闲运动基地建设具有示范指导意义。  相似文献   

The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) has formal relationships with the Library of Congress (LC), Share-VDE, and Linked Data for Production Phase 2 (LD4P2) for work on Bibliographic Framework (BIBFRAME), and PCC institutions have been very active in the exploration of MARC to BIBFRAME conversion processes. This article will review the involvement of PCC in the development of BIBFRAME and examine the work of LC, Share-VDE, and LD4P2 on MARC to BIBFRAME conversion. It will conclude with a discussion of areas for further exploration by the PCC leading up to the creation of PCC conversion specifications and PCC BIBFRAME data.  相似文献   
于孝东 《兰台世界》2020,(4):119-121,133
1881年底,李鸿章亲临旅顺勘察后,确定以旅顺为北洋水师的大型基地,继而大力兴办旅顺海防工程。这引起了中外人士的广泛关注,非但洋务派官僚,英、法、德、日等国的海军人士也纷纷前往观瞻。在旅顺现场勘察的基础上,出于认识与目的的不同,中外人士广泛非议旅顺的价值,批评旅顺基地的选址不当,进而引发了旅顺与威海卫、旅顺与胶州湾的选址之争。李鸿章在幕僚意见的影响下,基于他的布防思想并北洋海防筹办经费拮据的实际,力排众议,最终坚持以旅顺为“北洋第一重捍卫”,为“北洋水师总汇之区”。  相似文献   
With the creation of interactive tasks that allow students to explore spatial ways of knowing in conjunction with their other ways of knowing the world, we create a space where students can make sense of information as they organize these new ideas into their already existing schema. Through the use of a Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) and data from Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA), students can explore the communities in which they live and work, critically examining opportunities and challenges within a defined space.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]针对我国高校图书馆社会化服务效果不佳的状况,试图寻找一种有效且能长期开展的模式,以促进高校图书馆广泛参与,更好地满足民众的文化需求。[方法/过程]以西华师范大学图书馆为例,从组织构建、运作模式、社会效益概述科普基地社会化服务模式,并分析该模式具有构建约束机制、资源保障机制与激励机制、服务渠道的畅通机制的优势。[结果/结论]在自愿的原则下,高校图书馆与省委宣传部、省社科联联合共建科普基地以开展社会化服务,通过经费多家出,协调搭台,借用科普基地完善的管理体制与运行机制,构建高校图书馆社会化服务的长效机制。科普基地工作已在全国广泛开展,高校图书馆作为重要的文化服务单位位于申报对象之列且容易具备申报条件。因此,科普基地社会化服务模式是一种灵活的、有效的、可操作的,且具有广泛参与机制与可持续的模式,值得推广。  相似文献   
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